So, I've finally seen one in real life. Not in the news; not in the abstract language of pundits & politicians; not in the faces of head-douches that still get their millions for being part of the "greatest failure of ratings and risk management ever" (UBS--thanks bro!). Not only did I see see one, I made-out w/ her. Alright, I know it was wrong and I did feel dirty afterward, but I felt it was necessary--for all you guys too, of course--to really get inside (a'chem) the mind of one of these folks.
First off, looks can be deceiving: she had a whole half of a leg covered in tattoos, for god's sake! As well, she was a Latina--I mean I thought it could only be whites (and men at that) that could/would be so conniving as to defraud and swindle the lower-classes and the stupid...I mean uneducated, uninformed, under-informed (?). But, let me digress, isn't this the point? The shady dealings of people in-the-know preying on those who are not--it's called asymmetrical information. It's used in warfare, people, c'mon.
Of course, as we are now seeing, it isn't only the lower-classes and greedy venture capitalists that are being adversely affected by these events. So, we are all looking for someone to blame. And rightly so. But who really deserves it? This chick who's throat I shoved my tongue down, that's who.