Thursday, September 18, 2008

I think I'll sleep naked

Check out the third up from the bottom: Ignition or melting of nightwear. Huh? As in spontaneous combustion? I shouldn't worry too much, though, I've been electrocuted twice (more deadly than killer pajamas), and here I am. Interesting that the first two, poisoning and falling, are probably often murders gone undetected. Killing someone by forced choking (food or non-food) seems pretty unlikely.

Though in the new movie, "Choke," based on the excellent book by Chuck Palahniuk, the main character makes a living by causing himself to choke on food in public, allowing some brave soul to "rescue" him, thus binding them, their sympathy, and eventually their money to him for life in the form of financial "help." See, once you've saved someone's life, the logic goes, you want to keep them alive so as to maintain your "hero" status. Good stuff. Oh, that, and he's a sex addict with a mother who thinks she fathered our hero with a relic of Christ, making him...Christ II?

The very last on the list, fireworks, goes out to my pops; though usually more on the cautious side of the parenting deal, he just couldn't help but share with us boys his love of things that go bang and make pretty colors. God bless him.

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