Thursday, November 13, 2008

Totally. Bad. Ass.

I know ever place already has it, especially here in NY. I didn't watch the network news last night, so I don't know if they covered it. But check it out, it's not just the cover, they did entire articles!

I love these guys (The Yes Men). They did a fake press conference a few years back, in Louisiana, pretending to be HUD official, fooling local media and government officials, declaring that New Orleans housing projects would not be closed as had been planned, allowing residents homeless from Katrina to move back in. The hoax was less about the planned closure and more a critique of the federal governments inaction in response to the ongoing housing crisis in NO post-Katrina. Coincidentally enough, achem, last winter I wrote a paper about this very topic at a time when riots were breaking out in downtown New Orleans over what was to be done for public and affordable housing in the city. (Warning: it's loooong.)

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