Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Enemies at the Gate

Limbaugh said this week that White House officials are "targeting" him because "they need a demon to distract and divert from what their agenda is." He said Obama aides are "going after private citizens" in a manner reminiscent of Richard M. Nixon's "enemies list." He also challenged the president to a debate on his show.

- Howard Kurtz, Washington Post

Oh lord, here we go with the "agenda" again. Though not as damning as "conspiracy," the word does bring up images of sneaky, back-door, misrepresented--and that's the problem (for the right), there is no subterfuge: Obama was actually voted in to do almost exactly what he's doing; for the big ticket items like the economy, health care, and Iraq, anyway.

If, other than the current credit crisis, the long-term economic time-bomb ticking is health care, and that finally there is a real want (seems to be) for a system with everyone covered, how doesn't it make sense to attack the two together? There's no other way, they're inextricable.

Obama's inheritance is two-fold: one of incompetence, the other negligence; a failing economic system and an inefficient and morally outdated health care system. So, sure, there's an agenda. It's called "Clean Up the Mess." And, Rush, you'd better hope it works--or yours will be one of the first gated compounds overrun by the evicted, out of work and hungry.

Besides, the Administration doesn't need to target you: you're a walking, screaming bulls-eye. They're not in need of a demon; you have been giving them (the left) one for some time now.

To compare Obama to Nixon is like... well, it's just plain stupid. If you want to make the point that Rahm came after you with barred teeth, the Tricky Dick-allusion is bunk--who doesn't have an enemies list? You? Of course you do.

And one name does not an "enemies list" make.

Really, how is this coming after you? Saying that you're now the voice of the right? Wasn't that already the case for years? Maybe I've just been overly cynical before now.

Anyway, isn't that what you want to hear, Rush? Aren't you pleased? I bet you do, and know you are.

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