"Let me state my reasons in plain English without any sports analogies: I'm resigning because I feel I can be a more effective leader operating from the sidelines. I'm no bench warmer," she added.
The above is from Robert Lanham, or FreeWilliamsburg fame, writing for the The Huffington Post.
Here’s her last day in office spent handing out hot-dogs. See? You just can’t makeup gems like that.
Still, it’s some of the best news in a while. I don’t think (hope to hell not) she’s leaving to parley into something else political. She’s kind of leaving her state hanging, even most. How is that helpful, as she puts it? Of course she blames the “media” for making her job impossible—like she didn’t give them more than enough ammo. Republicans aren’t being supportive. (Even they can smell blood in the water, perhaps. Scandal anyone? I think (hope) she’s leaving abruptly due to some close to being found out dirty secret. I say let her keep it, as long as she agrees to stay out of politics and the lower 49.

I haven’t read the whole thing, but this is supposed to be the complete Palin in one place.
Here’s another example of her douche-y-ness, from a little ways back.
Gov. Sarah Palin (R) announced last month that she would reject nearly half of the $930 million Alaska was to receive from the stimulus package on education, health care, and labor. But after calling the stimulus "an unsustainable, debt-ridden package of funds," Palin has now decided to accept the vast majority of the package…
Wait, one more douche-bag Republican who decided to do a little posturing before caving in on the stimulus. Don’t they think the flip-flop would cancel-out any bonus points from standing up to Obama?
South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford (R) also recently backed down from his standoff with the White House over his desire to reject stimulus funding.
Yes, that Mark Sanford. This was before the “went hiking the Appalachians” scandal. Douche.

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