Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Burn, Oakland, Burn!

Fuck the police, comin' straight outta Oakland!

I just saw three different videos of an unarmed man, face down with a police officer's knee on his neck get shot in the back and killed by another officer standing above the two. WTF!?!

There is nothing "inconclusive," which was the reaction from Oakland's chief of police, calling for calm until further investigation, about the footage I saw. The dead man is seen for some time on his knees, then for no apparent reason, he is forced face down onto the ground, completely prone. Next, one of the two officers who did this is seen standing up, at this point not touching or being touched by anyone, including the dead guy, pulls out his gun, points downward and then a sharp report is heard. It is clear as day. (Well, as clear as cell phone/small digital cameras can be.)

Jesus. I haven't felt hatred toward the police like what I feel right now in years, maybe since I was a testosterone-fueled teenager, singing along with N.W.A. My gut reaction? I wish I had been there, and along with everyone else would've rushed all of those cops, grabbed the one responsible and ripped him limb from limb. But maybe I'm overreacting.

There is plenty of footage on YouTube, from many different angles. Watch a few. Here, a reporter shows a police spokesman, visibly disturbed, the footage for the first time.

Oh, did I mention it was a black young man shot by a white police officer, all of a two-year veteran? But you could've assumed that much, I suppose. Sick of my sarcasm yet? I am.

(No pic for this post, I'm too upset to bother.)

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