Of course, it takes a comedian to speak truth to power. Like Lenny Bruce and George Carlin before him, Gary Shandling on Tavis Smiley, tonight, talked about the "culture of greed" and an "addiction to money" that has gotten the country where it is at the moment. He went to joke that instead of the TARP bailout, whats needed is an Alcoholics Anonymous for the greedy on Wall St.
"If you put a big pile of cocaine in front of a coke addict, they're not going to start sharing it and spreading it around to their friends and co-workers."
The funny thing (or rather, the other funny thing) is that, perhaps not so coincidentally, the metaphor actually isn't completely a metaphor--it's a long established part of Wall St. culture to indulge in the white stuff.
Thinking about Shandling's call for an AA-like group for greed, it occurred to me that there isn't a word for a catchy acronym. There's no adjective for a greedy person that would work well. Rapacists Anonymous? That's not even a real word. Sure, there's GA (Gluttons Anonymous). But that sounds like it's more for over-eaters.
Well, let's open it up: any suggestions? Best answer will get a big ol' pile coke (cans).

ummm.... Nationrapers Anonymous. Do I get a free Coca Cola?!
Well done, NA it is. Coke all around!
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