Indeed. He totally ignored Ellen. Ellen! That lady's skin is literally falling of her bones. She was all like, bitch, you didn't even answer my question! Barack was all like, I don't hear you, and called on another reporter.
Obama was kinda pissy, but so have I, too. These Milton Friedman idolaters just don't get it. "The party is now over," Obama chastised grimly. "Doing nothing is not an option." The president spoke of "ideological baggage," still around after 8 years (more like 28 by my count) of "failed" policies. Obama made it clear he wasn't going to Stepin Fetchit for politics and Washington-cultura as usual.
In this way, Obama is a radical. Screw (hey, he said he "screwed up" the other day) seniority. The old boys club is closed. The yacht club clique is over. What, you're still here? You lost. "That's what the election was about." A referendum: out with the old and in with the new. Change. You're the reason we're in such a predicament! he complains, begging sympathy.
For that I do. But then, I don't like it when he points out, dramatically, that he "inherited" a "doubling of the deficit." Yeah, we know dude, no ones blaming you. Chill. Which he usually is, except tonight, he was fierce--kind of "on fire," so to speak.
Speaking of the regularly "cool" Obama, there's a really good SNL skit (yeah, Hulu) playing on how mellow, chill his demeanor is. Very jazz. Not jazz-hands jazz. Like Blue Note-jazz.
And so, round one to Obama.
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