Tuesday, March 31, 2009

An epilogue for the down-twodden

From flavorpill.com Chi-town.

Everyone's a-Twitter these days — particularly politicians. President Obama's Twitter updates have been sporadic since the campaign ended, but John McCain reliably sends out curmudgeonly examples of "pork-barrel" spending. Claire McCaskill tweets her votes, as well as March Madness play-by-plays, and the Prime Minister of Britain even tweets from Downing Street. In Chicago, from 1st Ward Alderman Manny Flores to Cook County Commissioner Tony Peraica, local pols are slowly boarding the Twitterwagon. (Petition here for Senators Durbin and Burris to get with the program.) But I'm unconvinced that Twittering Congressmen really increase transparency and accountability for their constituents. So far, I think the most useful Chi-town government Twitter feed isn't from a news outlet or an elected official at all: it's that of sandwich-and-potato-pancake heaven Manny's Deli, the preferred cafeteria of local political figures, firefighters, and the fuzz. The folks at Manny's are tweeting their specials — for the kind of pork (and beef) spending the carnivores among us can actually support.

- Audrey Mast, Managing Editor

Let it die, man, let it die.

1 comment:

Your Substitute for Guidance said...

heh heh, down-twodden... not to mention dan-trodden. doh!