Wednesday, January 16, 2008

George of the Jungle

Don't ask why. According to Smithsonian's Human Origins Program, and after checking a few other places, the consensus seems to be that the first woman, the mother of us all lived a little less than 200,000 years ago, in Africa. First, I didn't know the Smithsonian had such a program. After that sank in, and remembering that the Smithsonian is a federally funded institution, I thought it a bit incongruous that not far from the National Mall downtown is another federal building where the President of the United States lives. Despite the venerable, old buildings dedicated to "science" and "reason," our dear, simple Bush believes that all that evolution stuff is just a bunch of bull-puckey (i.e., hooey). Although, perhaps he's not "touched" (i.e., retarded) as much as uninformed. Not stupid but unintelligent. In which case, I recommend Jr. makes a visit to the National Museum of Natural History. I went there throughout my childhood and found it very informative. The big displays and models really drive home things like carbon dating that books and TV leave flat and unstimulating. Well, George, get stimulated.

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