Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sometimes, I'm glad I'm wrong...sometimes (or: The Fall)

Well, I guess I was premature in my obituary concerning Obama--at least as it relates to this supposed anti-semitic speech from a prominent black leader, ostensibly buddy-buddy with Barack. It has yet, surprisingly, to take hold in any major media outlets so far. Part of the reason, I'm sure, is that there is no audio or video recording from the event to loop endlessly on YouTube, verifying or vilifying either side. Convenient for whoever is full of shit, no?

Though, one wonders, who had more to loose? And, why would the woman cry foul? Why would the preacher preach divison and stereotypes at an event honoring the very minority he was supposedly lambasting? Is it possible, as now seems to be the accepted 'reality' of what happened that day, that this was just a miscommunication? My ass.

It all stinks to me--stinks of political ulterior motives; of not-so-thinly veiled antagonisms; of an already fatigued electorate finding one more reason to stay home in November and say "Fuck it."

So, who benefits the most here? In the fall, that'd be John McCain.

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