Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I guess I was right, an update.

Not too long ago, I wrote a post titled "Enemies at the Gates." In it I warned the robust loud-mouth, and his ilk, not to be too quick to hope for the worst just to have your "principles" (I can't stress those scare-quotes enough, here, people) be proven right:
Rush, you'd better hope it works--or yours will be one of the first gated compounds overrun by the evicted, out of work and hungry.

Okay, so I wasn't completely right--the "gates" were actually in Connecticut. And they weren't Rush's (damn). But a bunch of folks in buses did go to AIG executive's houses and made a scene. So that's pretty rad. Unfortunately, there were more reporters there than protesters. Or maybe not unfortunate: who'd you have standing in your front yard, peaceful protesters or the news media? Exactly.

(Thanks to The Economist for the above KAL cartoon of an AIG-angry mob.)

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