Thursday, March 19, 2009

Out of Print

Almost 1/4 of people don't care about their city having a print, daily newspaper. I'm surprised it's not higher; I think it is. People are lying. Some just like to say they'll suffer with out print news, to seem academic and cultured, and, who knows, maybe they are.

Mourn the paper, perhaps; miss it, sure. But it's like the death of a centenarian grandmother--she had a good run; her time finally has come. By that measure, the newspaper has already had 4 lifetimes with almost no change at all (color news print for more than advertising has just recently become common). Aren't print news media to blame, as the car companies are, for not only the lack of long term vision, but ignoring the changing world of all things digital as it's gone on around them?

I don't really care, and apparently neither does PBS. Jim Lehrer just got done telling me that now I can go online to watch the News Hour any time I want. Sweet.

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